A downloadable game for Windows

Made for MAAD 20041- Game Design with Unity
FOR WINDOWS ONLY!!!! (Sorry Mac users Unity version 2021.3.33f1 doesn't like building for Mac correctly for some reason)

Assets used: 
Pixel Adventure 1 - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/pixel-adventure-1-155360
Pixel Adventure 2 - https://pixelfrog-assets.itch.io/pixel-adventure-2 (edited)

Jank Platformer 2D is a single-player 2D platformer where players have to traverse through obstacles, enemies, and collect fruit in 5 different levels to explore different platforming techniques. The player can move left and right, jump, and double jump. The game automatically quits when you complete the last level. Enjoy!
Left/Right: A/D or <-/->
Jump: Spacebar
Double Jump: Spacebar while in air
Stomping on Enemies: Carefully jump on chickens' heads


Babys First Unity 2D Platformer.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the zip and there should be a .exe file

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